Here you have just entered in the world of some funny and easy magic tricks. By practicing them you can amaze your friends with these tricks. And surely you will have reactions like "waaaooo", "How it happens", "Please let me know that", "Do it ones again", "Great gr8" and lot more.....". So become magician now.


Magic tricks


1.Effect: It makes you to produce a large pencil from small purse smaller in size than it. Secret:You need to have small purse with a cut at bottom at one side. How to perform:Adjust the purse in the position as shown in the figure.

Image description

Use the purse hole to hide pencil in your shirt sleeve.Audience will be surprised to see a long pencil coming out of the small purse.

2.Effect: A solid pencil/pen turns into flexible rubber band on magician command. Secret:The magic result from one of the great optical illusion. How to perform it: Hold the pencil/pen as shown in the figure with your fingures. And shake it up and down from one end smoothly.

Image description

3.Effect: A magician with his magic can HOLD the pencil with his palm positioning(vertically) parallel to pencil. Secret: Youwill be using your right index fingure to HOLD the pencil, without making audience notice about it. 

How to perform: Pencil/pen should be positioned same as shown in the figure.


Now very cleverly pretend to audience that pencil/pen is hanging in the air without any support. Note: You can make the trick more interesting if you have transparent double side tape. tape will be placed at your left palm. Pencil/pen will be stick to it, to give same effect.

4.Effect: You are able to produce knot in the handkercheif by just waving Secret: You are already hiding the knot in the palm. 

How to do it: Tie a knot in the handkercheif and hold.Hide it in the palm as shown in the figure.


Now take the other end of the handkercheif and hold it with the other end in your palm as shown in second figure. Now throw the other end containing knot in the air. It comes out that a knot has tied to a open end, just throwing it in the air.

5. Effect: Three paper loops are cut in the way to produce amazing result. Secret: Loops of paper strip are not same. To form the loops for 2nd and 3rd one paper is folded one and two times respectively. As shown in figure.


How to perform: Cut three strips of paper. And form the loop of them as shown in figure. When you cut the loops from between , you can come with the results as shown in figure.

6.Effect:Vanishes the Ace of diamond from the whole deck of cards. 

Secret: Put the Ace of Diamond in the pocket. Now use Ace of Heart between two other aces,


So as it look like Ace of diamond. Which in reality is not. Now show these cards to audience. Then add the same cards in the deck of cards. Shuffle it well. Now tell audience to find Ace of diamond. Which will not be available.

7.Effect: You will make money from the 3 coins available. Secret: Hide two coins under the table as shown. 

How to perform: Put three coins on the table, and two coins under the table.


First show three coins to audience. Then gather those coins from the table as shown. You will have now 5 coins. Tell audience that three coins turn into Five.

8.Effect: from the number of cards from the deck you can identify which one is red or black, without viewing it directly.

Secret: Red and blacks cards arebend in reverse direction as shown in figure.


How to perform it: Seperate all the red and blacks cards. Then bend it as shown. Now mix all the cards. Now you are ready. Offer anyone to take out any card from the deck, And you will tell him wheather it is red or black, without seeing it.(Just feel the bend of card)

9. Effect: You can tell about which card is taken out from the deck serially.Show that you have large memory to memorise the order of cards in the deck. 

Secret: Cut the window as shown.


How to do: Take out the card from the deck where you have cut the window. You can see from the window that which card is being drawing by you. See it and tell the observer that the next card you pull will be ......

10. Effect: The string is made to pass from hollow straw. When that straw is cut in two pieces, then also string not cut down

Secret: A short slit is cut down already while preparing the straw. How to perform: First pass the string through the straw. Then fold down the straw in such a way so that slit points to ground side.Now just pull the string towards the ground. So that string take the position as shown in the figure.


Now cut the straw into 2 pieces. Then show the full lenght string to the audience. Which is hiddden by you in your palm.