Here you can learn about C its basic programs and all other concept about it. No need to refer any book, just simply study here with us. You can post your queries and feedback at CONTACT US tab. We will help you out for sure.

C language (For beginners)


What is C-
C is middle level langauge and it is inveneted in bell laboratories in 1968 to 1973.
C is the oldest of  Computer lanuagegs , C is still the most popular second language, just behind Java. This is due largely to a number of UNIX / Linux systems in the presence of C where it is. On Windows, C + + is the most popular.

C Suports Folowing Data types-
long double
Array a[]
and lots more 

  • NOTE: C is case sensitive langauge so never use CAPITAL WORDS in developing C program.

Here are some interesting things which are always present  in any of  C program -

1. # Include is known as the routing processor, which looks great, and it may not be the correct term, but were not needed to save it, anyway. What you do is tell the compiler to "include" another program or file along with the source code, which usually avoids a lot of mistakes, and a little annoying that would otherwise occur.

2. <stdio.h> name is hugged by angle brackets. A full and #include<stdio.h> says the compiler to use STDIO.H file, which contains a standard I / O, or input / output, orders required by most programs C.

3. Void main() specifies the name of the main function. The vaccant that determines the type of function or function produces. In the case of principal, it does not produce anything, and the long C to that is blank it not return any value.

4. int main() Specifies simply it returns a value in the form of integer as we use integer in this function declaration.

Now comes to some C programs-
Lets we start with the some basic C programs as i think this is the very useful for the beginners of the C programming.
These programs are generally in the C Subject of BTech Engineering 1st and 2nd sem of the Course..

My First Program in C

void main()
printf("\n this is my first C program");


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