Buzz your mind with
Here are some of the important and simple
tips which a new net user and also most of the people are not aware
of, these can help you to surf net more better with more joy and
1. Usefull Internet browser short cuts
There are several short cut keys that can be used with Internet browsers. List of few of them are.
2. How to browse faster
Small but simple methods are there which will help you to reach on stuff you are searching for.
You not need to type http:// portion of a website url
I used to see my friends when try to access the website they type full address When typing an Internet address you don't need to type “http://” or even “www.” in the address bar.
For example, if you want to visit buzzeronline you could just type in address bar and simply press enter.
Want to be more fast? if you are visiting a .com address website you can type “websitename” in address bar and then press Ctrl + Enter to type out the full “” address.
3. Use Internet search engines at their fullest
Make sure to get the most out of every attempt you do to search result. For this you need to know the basics that how the search is performed by the “Search Engines” to give output results.
Now seek one example, if you were searching for 'computer tricks' this actually searches for pages that contain both computer and tricks and not necessarily the pages that contain “computer tricks” next to each other, the pages you got may have just computer and tricks lying anywhere in the page, thus the outcome is. If you search for "computer tricks" with the quotes around the search query this will only return pages that actually have computer and tricks next to each other, and that is what you are searching for.
4. Quickly jump to the fields of a web page
If you are filling an online form, e-mail, or other text field you can quickly move between each of the fields by pressing the Tab key or Shift + Tab to move back a field. For example if you are filling out your “Name” and the next field is your “age” you can press the 'Tab' key to switch to the “age” field.
5. Take benifit of Tabs for opening pages
Now a days most of the browsers are coming with this feature of 'Tab browsing'. You can take the advantage of this feature of browsers for opening multiple pages simultaneously only at one screen/window.
For this you just need to 'Right click on the link and then press open in new tab'. A new tab will be open for downloading while you can stay on your page. Just click on the 'Tabs' frequently to see other opened page.
6. Install 'Add-on' and usefull 'plugins'
you can increase the functionality of your browser by installing 'Add-on' and 'plugins'. These 'Add-on' and 'plugins' are also usefull to open a specific type of files with some extension through your browser. Beside this 'Add-on' and 'plugins' can give you live weather in your browser window, changing its color, and adding additional functionality.
As simple as you are. Just having the aim to provide the things that we have gain. It is a personal site and whole data is for you so it can help to deal with daily life tech problems. So if you are smart its the time to become smarter now. Lets gain..
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