Top Five search engines: 

On Number 5-

Yippy (formerly 'Clusty')

Yippy is the engine that searches the deep Web other search engines for you. Unlike ordinary Web, which is indexed by robots spider, web pages deep and are usually more difficult to locate the traditional search. As Yippy becomes very useful. If you are looking for obscure hobby interest blogs, a mysterious government information, difficult to find a mysterious news, research and academic content, but, mysteriously, then Yippy is your tool.

On Number 4-

The Internet Archive-

Internet Archive is a favorite destination for lovers of the internet for a long time. Archive has been taking snapshots of the entire World Wide Web on a large scale for years now, allowing you and me to travel back in time to see what it's like web pages in 1999, or what was on the news, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Archive will not visit every day, like you would Google or Yahoo or Bing, but when you do not need to travel back in time, and the use of this site searching.

On Number 3-


Bing is Microsoft trying to take off in the pictures. Bing used to be MSN Search has been updated so that in the summer of 2009. Described as a "decision engine", Bing is trying to support research by providing your suggestions in the leftmost column, while giving you also look for different options across the top of the screen. Maybe things like that proposals' wiki ',' visual search ", and" related searches, be very useful to you. Bing does not take off Google in the near future, do not. But Ping is definitely worth a try.

On Number 2-

Duck Duck Go

At first, looks like Google. But there are a lot of fine details and differences that make this search engine Spartan different. DuckDuckGo has some slick features, such as information, "zero-click" (found all your answers on the results page first). DuckDuckgo offers clarify claims (helps to clarify what you're asking a question really). And spam advertising is much less than Google. Grant try ... Can you really like this search engine is simple and clean.

And the top 1 is-


Ask / AJ Ask Jeeves search engine is the name for a long time in the World Wide Web. Super-clean interface and compete with other major search engines, and searching for good options such as Google or Bing or DuckDuckGo. Results are the groupings that make really stand out. Showing cleaner and arguably easier to read than Google or Yahoo or Bing, and groups the results it seems more important. Decide for yourself if you agree ... Try grant, and compare it to the other search engines that you want.Its Really bigger one..Just Not popular in India  as in the World..