Motivational Sms

1.Life is Short,Live it. Love is Small,Flirt it. Troubles are Momentary,Face it. Memories are Sweet,Cherish it. I'm too Good,Accept it.

2.One of the basic differences between God and human is,God gives, gives n forgives.But human gets, gets,gets n forgets.Be thankful in Life.

3.Believe correctly,Learn practically,Behave decently Plan accordingly,Earn honestly,Spend wisely Save regularly,Then Enjoy Ur life COMPLETELY

4.Faith is like a backup Generator. It gives us power when everything else fails to do so. Have faith You will always reach your goal.

5.Do not feel ashamed if the amount of charity is small because to refuse the needy is an act of greater shame.

6.Knowing others is intelligence,knowing yourself is true wisdom.Mastering others is strength,mastering yourself is true power.

7.Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise.View life as a continuous learning experience.

8.Philosophy of my life I just don't care if anyone does not like me..I was not put on earth to entertain anyone.:-)

9.Attitude is a little thing Which makes a big difference. I am not the best, But I am not like the rest.

10."Listen to Everyone and Learn from Everyone Because Nobody knows Everything but Everyone knows Something".