Friendship Sms

1.Lovely chocolate n Lovely U.. n lovely r the things u do. but the loveliest is the friendship of the two one is ME and one is YOU.

2.Being a friend is not just sharing a joke,a conversation,a cup of coffee or a funny story.It means sharing an honest N true part of yourself

3.Friendship Is The Inexpressible Comfort Of Feeling Safe With A Person..B'coz U Neither Have To Weigh Ur Thoughts Nor Measure Your Words.

4.Sometimes in life we think we don't need anyone. But sometime we don't have anyone when we need. So don't let your best buddies go ever.`re the rainbow after the rain you`re the smile when im in pain when im crippled you lend a hand im so blessed you are my friend.

6.Friendship is not a game 2 play, It is not a word 2 say, It doesn`t start on March N ends on May, It is tomorrow, yesterday, 2day N everyday

7.who loses money loses much who loses a freind loses much more who loses faith loses much much more but who loses you lose all

8.Silence and Smile are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to "solve" many problems, and, Silence is the way to "avoid" many problems.

9.If someone hurts you, don`t mind because its the law of nature that tree that bears the sweetest fruit, gets the maximum number of stones.

10.Sky without stars like sleep without dream like roses without smell like song with out music like face with out smile like me without u

11.what is life without water what is the tea without suger what is the moon without the sun what is my without u

12.My life Was in darkness before I met you, but now My life is so ... BRIGHT!! Do you know why ...? Because, you are a TUBE LIGHT:-)

13.God picked up a flower and dipped it in a DEW, lovingly touched it which turned in to u,and the he gifted to me and said,THIS FRIEND IS 4U

14.LOVE is like a phone call, IF you do not pick, it will BE MISSED BUT "FRIENDSHIP" IS like a MESSAGE, it remains with you until you open it.

15.When your friend lies to u, it is not his fault!! Actually it is yours... because u did not gave him the proper space 2 tell u the truth.

16.Don`t count the things u think u have done for someone. Instead, count the number of times u felt better just because u made them happy.

17.Don`t try to find someone who can solve all your problems, but instead find someone who won`t let you face them alone.

18.A simple calculation on how long we will be lovely friends.Count the stars in heaven+sand on the shore n multiply by the heartbeat=Forever.

19.Sacrifice is greater than Love, Character is greater than Beauty; Humanity is greater than Wealth. But nothing is greater than Friendship.

20.My cell phone is waiting for Ur call, inbox waiting for Ur SMS, call register waiting for Ur miscall my heart waiting for your Friendship.