Navratri Festival


Navaratre in simple term means "nine nights” "ten days”. Tenth day is celebrated as “Vijay dashmi” also known as Dushera. This festival is celebrated two times a year, 'Chaitra’ or ‘Vasant Navratri’ (March-April), and ‘Sharad Navratri’ (October-November) once at the starting of summer and once more at the starting of winter.


Many stories are linked with this holly festive. These are mentioned below one by one.


Legend says that once Mahishasura, the vindictive demon, who was a devotee of Lord Shiva, he started taking out innocent lives. so as to prevent him from taking up all the 3 lokas, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Mahesh of the Hindu Trinity united their supreme powers and created a individual deity Hindu deity who did war with Mahishasura. This war extended for 9 days and on the tenth day she killed him. These 9 nights signify the festive of Navratri.

As per Hindu mythology, Uma daughter of King Daksha married Lord Shiva against the wish of her father, so as to take revenge, King Daksha organized a yagna in which he invited all the “Devs” except Lord Shiva. Uma felt that her husband being insulted by his father, so she jumped into the agnikund, that is why she is also called Sati. In her rebirth, she married Lord Shiva and also created peace along with her parents. It is consider that Sati remain stick with them for 9 days, which is widely known as Navratri.

It is also said that Lord Rama worshipped Goddess “Durga” in all her nine forms, for nine days, in order to gather all the powers required to defeat Ravana. Those 9 days imply Navratri, and therefore the tenth day once he killed Ravana, came to be called Vijaydashmi and is widely known as Dussehra.



 What's the Significance of Navratri?
All of the festive surounded by and meant for goddess "Durga," which means the remover of miseries of life. She is additionally remarked as "Devi" or "Shakti" (energy or power). it's this energy, that helps God to proceed with the work of creation, preservation and destruction.

Why celebration done twice a Year?
Every year the start of summer and the beginning of winter season two vital junctures of environmental condition change.

These two junctions are chosen because the sacred opportunities for the worship of the divine power because:

  •  It is believed that it is the divine power that provides energy for the earth, causing the changes in the outer nature and that this divine power must be thanked for maintaining the right balance of the universe.
  •  Due to the changes in the nature, the bodies and minds of people undergo a considerable change, and hence, we worship the divine power to maintain our physical and mental balance.

Why nine Nights & Days?
Navaratri is split into sets of 3 days to love completely different aspects of the supreme power. On the primary three days, the Goddess “Durga” is worship to destroy all our impurities, vices and defects. next three days, the goddess Lakshmi is worship, WHO is taken into account to possess the facility of bestowing on her devotees the inexhaustible wealth. In last three days is spent in worshiping the goddess Saraswati as to have comprehensive success in life.