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Concept of 3-D
Origin: The concept of Stereopsis is first brought by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1838. It is the process by which human perceive three dimension image from two similar overlaid images.
From the time the concept come and till date lot of development has made. Now after wearing glasses we enjoy 3D films, television shows and video games.
But the question is How do 3D films work?
Principle of
Film has been one of the outcomes of 3D. There are two ways 3D has been achieved in motion pictures: anaglyph and polarized glasses.
Anaglyph way in which the red-and-blue glasses we used to wear. By
projecting a film in those colors one in red, one in blue each eye would get an individual perspective and your brain would put the 3D effect together.
Polarized Glasses
Polarized glasses are the common, which take advantage of the fact that light can be polarized, or given different orientations. For example, one image can be projected in a horizontal direction while the second can be projected in a vertical direction. The corresponding glasses would allow horizontal
polarization in one eye and vertical polarization in the other. The
shortcoming of this technique is that this kind of 3D requires you
to keep your head still. Tilting your head can distort how the
reflected waves get to your eyes, jumbling with the color and 3D
But to overcome such problem the concept of rotational polarity is used. Now two images are pick by the glasses clockwise in one eye and other is counterclockwise in second eye. Means now you can tilt your head to give it a rest while watching movie.
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